(ATDN) CASAS and CCS Wrap-Up Training for NEW Program Facilitators and Directors

This is the final mandatory training for NEW Program Facilitators and NEW Directors to be able to start administering CASAS assessments. Please note: pre-work must be completed prior to participating in this training. Please refer to the CASAS/CCS Training by Role Chart for the list of module trainings based on your role.

This training explores the foundational framework of the CASAS System and CASAS Competencies, as well as introduces additional tools and resources recommended to select, administer and score both paper/pencil and eTest versions of CASAS tests, interpret test results, and identify curriculum support materials to enhance instruction.

This training provides an opportunity to address any questions you may have about the CASAS module trainings you completed before attending this session. Additionally, we will review Connecticut-specific assessment policies and guidelines, known as the Connecticut Competency System (CCS), and discuss the role and responsibilities of Program Facilitators.

Audience: NEW Directors and NEW Program Facilitators


Detailed Information 
Online MeetingDateStart TimeEnd TimeTitleLocationAddressRoomInstructor
Zoom Meeting 10/07/202410:00AM12:00PM(ATDN) CASAS and CCS Wrap-Up Training for NEW Program Facilitators and Directors Zoom MeetingVirtualVirtual, CT 
Mary Segarra View Bio
Rachel Spinks View Bio