New EL/ML Coordinators
Does your school or district have a new or growing population of EL/ML students? Join us for an engaging and interactive session designed to help you confidently support your multilingual learners (MLs) and their families. This workshop is designed for ML teachers and other educators serving in an ML coordinator or ELAC role, especially those in low-incidence districts with growing ML populations. You will leave with essential knowledge and practical tools to start implementing effective systems for your ML programs, including:Welcoming school environmentsIdentification procedures and parent notificationCompliance with key state and federal laws, including the new CT Multilingual Learner Parent Bill of RightsNew arrivals and their familiesInstructional decision-making through the lens of second language acquisitionLAS Links planning and use of the data .We will meet you where you are to create a foundation for your district’s EL/ML program. This session is suitable for educators and administrators who are charged with EL/ML program implementation: ML coordinators and teachers, building leaders, and staff (reading, special education, coaches, etc.) who are serving as ELACS and/or overseeing ML instructional support and assessment. For questions, including registration assistance, send an email to fpacheco@learn.k12.ct.us – include “New EL/ML Coordinators” in the subject line.
Objectives (appears on the evaluation form):
Detailed Information 
Payment PricePayment price
Individual Rate$150.00
DateStart TimeEnd TimeTitleLocationAddressRoomInstructor
02/12/20259:00AM3:00PM LEARN Hatchetts Hill44 Hatchetts Hill Road, Old Lyme, CT 
Christina Golgozeanu View Bio
Lisanne Kaplan View Bio