Empowering Literacy for Multilingual Learners: Evidence-Based Strategies for Success Bundle
This is a 5 part Workshop series revolving around Empowering Literacy for Multilingual Learners: Evidence-Based Strategies for Success. Enrolling in the bundle will give you access to a 5 part training including the following trainings: Session 1: Understanding the Literacy Needs of Multilingual Learners. Session 2: Building Phonological Awareness and Phonics for MLs. Session 3: Vocabulary and Fluency Development for Multilingual Learners. Session 4: Supporting Reading Comprehension for MLs. Session 5: Developing Writing Skills for MLs. For questions, including registration assistance, send an email to fpacheco@learn.k12.ct.us – include “Empowering Literacy Bundle” in the subject line.
Objectives (appears on the evaluation form):
Detailed Information 
Payment PricePayment price
Individual Rate$375.00
DateStart TimeEnd TimeTitleLocationAddressRoomInstructor
04/04/20259:00AM3:00PMWorkshop 1: Understanding the Literacy Needs of Multilingual LearnersLEARN Hatchetts Hill44 Hatchetts Hill Road, Old Lyme, CT 
Jill Bessette View Bio
04/25/20259:00AM3:00PMWorkshop 2: Building Phonological Awareness and Phonics for MLsLEARN Hatchetts Hill44 Hatchetts Hill Road, Old Lyme, CT 
Jill Bessette View Bio
05/09/20259:00AM3:00PMWorkshop 3: Vocabulary and Fluency Development for Multilingual LearnersLEARN Hatchetts Hill44 Hatchetts Hill Road, Old Lyme, CT 
Jill Bessette View Bio
05/16/20259:00AM3:00PMWorkshop 4: Supporting Reading Comprehension for MLsLEARN Hatchetts Hill44 Hatchetts Hill Road, Old Lyme, CT 
Jill Bessette View Bio
05/23/20259:00AM3:00PMWorkshop 5: Developing Writing Skills for MLsLEARN Hatchetts Hill44 Hatchetts Hill Road, Old Lyme, CT 
Jill Bessette View Bio