Ensuring Equity: Promoting Inclusive Play in Early Childhood Education
This comprehensive two-hour virtual session focuses on the critical topics of equity and accessibility in play. Participants will examine the concept of play as a fundamental right for all children, as explained in the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child. The session will address the differences between equity and equality in play, identify common barriers to equitable play opportunities, and present strategies to create inclusive play environments. Through collaborative discussions and practical workshops, educators will explore real-world examples and case studies of successful equity initiatives. They will also participate in reflective activities to implement these strategies in their own educational settings. By the end of this session, participants will have a deeper understanding of how to advocate for and ensure that all children, regardless of their background or abilities, have access to high-quality play experiences.
Objectives (appears on the evaluation form):
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Payment PricePayment price
Individual Rate$50.00
DateStart TimeEnd TimeTitleLocationAddressRoomInstructor
01/30/20252:30PM4:30PM LEARN VirtualLink, To Follow 
Alison Zanardi View Bio
Maria Jose Beteta View Bio