Introduction to Multilingual Learners
Are you an educator looking to enhance your teaching toolkit to better support the diverse needs of multilingual learners in your classroom? Join us for our "Introduction To Multilingual Learners" workshop, an engaging and interactive session designed to empower educators who are new to teaching multilingual students with essential knowledge and high-leverage strategies to effectively support the second language acquisition process of your students.Participants will gain an understanding of the stages of second language acquisition and the ways in which students’ cultural and educational backgrounds influence English language acquisition. We will explore effective high-leverage strategies, including fostering a welcoming classroom climate, differentiated instruction, and scaffolding techniques, that can be implemented immediately in the classroom. Participants will also learn about the rights of Multilingual Learners to help them address linguistic and cultural barriers in their classrooms and schools. Note: This workshop is suitable for educators at all levels, including classroom teachers and support staff who are new to working with multilingual learners.
Objectives (appears on the evaluation form):
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Individual Rate$150.00
DateStart TimeEnd TimeTitleLocationAddressRoomInstructor
04/07/20259:00AM3:00PM LEARN Hatchetts Hill44 Hatchetts Hill Road, Old Lyme, CT112, 113 & 115
Lisanne Kaplan View Bio