Pitt County Schools
Vmath (Winter 2025)
Vmath® Third Edition is a targeted math intervention program for struggling students providing them with opportunities for mastering critical math concepts and skills. This training is for 3rd-12th grade exceptional children's teachers who will be teaching the Vmath direct instruction program. Training provided by Bailey Pope
Learning Outcomes: (appears on the evaluation form):
Teachers will be able to implement Vmath® direct instruction program in their classroom.
Rationale for Providing this Professional Learning Experience
Teachers will be able to implement Vmath® direct instruction program in their classroom.
Supplemental Awards
Award TypeAward Amt
Content Hours10.00
Detailed Information 
DateStart TimeEnd TimeTitleLocationAddressRoomInstructor
01/03/20258:30AM3:30PM Kathy Taft Center for Excellence and Leadership in Education2010 Allen Rd, Greenville, NC 

01/18/20259:00AM11:00AM Online in CanvasGreenville, NCCoaching Sessions

Assigned Goals:
Goal TypeGoal NumberGoal NameDescription
District Goals2The school will increase school proficiency by 10 % by providing differentiation, supplemental and intensive instruction where needed.The school will increase school proficiency by 10 % by providing differentiation, supplemental and intensive instruction where needed.