Connecticut Office of Early Childhood (OEC)
Home visiting - Talking with Families About Safe Sleep
Embark on a journey to promote safe sleep practices with our course, Talking with Families about Safe Sleep.' Through this module, home visitors will gain a comprehensive understanding of SIDS risk factors, safe sleep elements, and infant sleep patterns. Delving into cultural and economic influences on family practices, participants will learn to navigate respectful conversations and manage challenging emotions when addressing safe sleep guidelines. With a structured approach encompassing the latest research and effective communication strategies, this course empowers home visitors to play a vital role in safeguarding infant well-being and promoting healthy sleep habits within families.
Objectives (appears on the evaluation form):
1. Identify the known risk factors for SIDS and other sleep-related infant deaths
2. Describe the elements of safe sleep practices
3. Explain why certain practices are not considered to be safe
4. Explain infant sleep patterns and why infants don't sleep through the night
5. Understand the cultural practices, economic considerations, and other factors that influence family sleep practices
6. Feel comfortable engaging families in respectful conversations about their sleep beliefs and practices
7. Manage feelings of frustration, fear, and lack of efficacy when families do not follow safe sleep guidelines
Detailed Information 
DateStart TimeEnd TimeTitleLocationAddressRoomInstructor
09/02/2024   OnlineOnline, CT 
Ashley McAuliffe View Bio